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PROJECTbyH. "ASY" Cotton Board Cloth Asymetrical Collar Shirt

Regular price
NT$ 8,100.00
Sale price
NT$ 8,100.00
Regular price
NT$ 8,100.00

Memory Pieces・10th Anniversary Capsule Collection

這個迷你系列,是以此刻作為一個端點,跨越十年的時間曲度,向 2013 年於紐約首次推出的第一個系列致敬。此系列並非所謂的復刻,而是用十年間堆積出的經驗與工藝,在保留部分細節與發想的角度之下,重新詮釋最初的輪廓,再以今時今日的語彙與世界觀,去轉化十年前第一次發表的作品。

設計上保留了當初「無性別服裝」的極簡取向,並在製程上沿襲了PROJECTbyH.全方位拒絕人造材質的極致工藝,並在 PROJECTbyH. 位於台北的自家工作室製作完成。

This capsule collection marks a significant point in time, spanning a decade, paying homage to the first collection launched in New York in 2013. It is not merely a replication but rather an interpretation of the original silhouettes, incorporating the experiences and craftsmanship accumulated over the past ten years. 

The design retains the minimalist approach of "gender-neutral clothing" from the beginning, and the production process continues to uphold PROJECTbyH.'s uncompromising craftsmanship in rejecting synthetic materials, and are all crafted in their own studio located in Taipei.

PROJECTbyH. 極致工藝服飾

著重於無性別版型、工藝美學和天然原料的選擇。2013 在紐約創立品牌,並於 2017 年回台灣設立工作室,拒絕使用任何人造材質,堅持純手工的台灣獨立設計師品牌,藉由服裝打開對話的連結,讓越來越多人在生活中更有意識地去做選擇與捨棄,對每個創作背後的本質與脈絡進行更深層的探索與思考。

Focusing on gender-neutral design, craftsmanship aesthetics , and natural materials, PROJECTbyH. was established in New York in 2013 and returned to Taiwan to set up a studio in 2017. The brand refuses to use any artificial materials and insists on being a pure handmade independent designer brand in Taiwan. Through clothing design, it aims to establish a connection and dialogue with people, allowing more and more people to make conscious choices and abandon certain things in their daily lives, and to explore and reflect on the essence and context behind each creation in a deeper way.


Cotton Board Cloth

100% Cotton

Un-dyed Cotton threads

Black / White / Hand-dye

XS - L